
Copy Right © 2006
         We built metal tanks since year 2000. Our tanks are built by welding 3mm aluminum plates together. 90% of the spare parts are hand made. We choose 1/8th to be our big scale because it is more manageable and affordable. A metal tank in 1/8th can be carried by 2 persons without much difficulty. In order to promote our tanks, we have even made our own 1/8th figures, machine guns and accessories. Those figures have movable arms and legs just like the 1/6th figures. They can also wear 1/6th clothes with minor adjustment and modifications. Our tanks are lighter than before because the tracks are now made by aluminum alloy which reduce the weight of each tank by 10-20kgs. The tanks use 2 x 300 watts 24 volt motors which will allow a top speed of 20km/hr. They will overcome most difficult road conditions.